I'm headed to my hometown this weekend so I'm not sure what my mileage will look like, but it probably won't be very much. I hope to go on a small run tomorrow morning before I head to the circus with my family to entertain my niece and nephew ;)
Just got to get in what you can, when you can.
I also want to take a short run to try out my new hydration/fuel belt. I've been having some weird nerve twinges with my handheld on my long run, so I figured I better get a belt so that I don't cause any damage. I have enough pain with a pinched sciatic nerve that runs from my back to my legs, I don't need anymore pain!
As far as fueling, I don't do much. I just take some water with me and have played with some Gatorade chews, which worked pretty well and some Stinger chews which did make my stomach feel a little funny. I have a weird thing with certain sugars. I tend to be almost like a diabetic in the fact that I can get shaky quickly (especially with artificial sugar) and I have a sensitive stomach. So finding the right fuel before any race is definitely essential. I don't need a whole lot right now just because I'm not running far enough to need a whole lot, but for triathlons and longer bike rides, I'll need to know what works
Not looking forward to all the temptations that arise when I head to my hometown. Hopefully my sister, who has started to count calories, can keep me in check. I just hit the 150's, I don't want to have to scramble to get back there after this weekend, but we shall see! Healthy choices lead to more health choices, so I just need to counter any treats with healthy eating and get in my run at the start of the day!
Have a happy and healthy weekend!