About Me

I'm 26 and live in the mountain state of West Virginia. Follow me on my journey as I continue my weight loss, find adventure in anything, and try to live every day life to it's fullest.

My weight loss started at 240 pounds. Currently I am down to 160 with a target of 150. My progress has been slow compared to some, I started the summer of 2011, but I like to eat. I've used calorie counting and lots of exercise to lose the weight so far. Sparkpeople.com has given me the tools I lacked before and really made me interested in learning about other people's journeys.

Since starting this journey I've discovered a love of biking and running and I put up with swimming to 'compete' in Triathlons (I say 'compete' because I'm only competing with myself, not the people that whiz by me! But I love it!).
I started with the Couch to 5K program and have progressed since then. Running will never be easy, but it's led to some amazing times and beautiful places. I'm currently working on running my first half marathon in June. Stay tuned for that!
My boyfriend Richard and I.

This journey has been all about pushing my comfort zones and going for adventure.

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