Lordy, Lordy I've been busy. Things have been going well though. I'm down to 10mg of prednisone. Woot Woot! After blood work next week, hopefully I can reduce some more! I've been working on my running and a little indoor biking, but it's still hard. The extra weight mixed with legs that still feel like lead makes everything harder. But I will persevere.
I thought I'd share a few photos of what I've been up to lately....
Pumpkin Patch Fun. |
Hiking with two kids and two dogs. I'm quite proud I didn't yell at anyone. |
Inducing child labor. In my defense, he volunteered. |
Tried out a new trail. Went for over 22 miles on the bike! |
I don't have a picture of the Beckley 5K that I did yesterday. It's the same 5K that I did for my very first race.
2011 |
The only thing good about this race is that I did beat my time from 2011. My time was 36.39, my first race in 2011 I came in a little over 39 minutes. It was just a hard run. It was once again freezing. I believe it was right at 40 degrees when the race began. My legs just kept feeling like lead. This race runs really close to my house and the thought of just running home did cross my mind! Mentally I was struggling as well. I couldn't get over how hard it felt and unfortunately I didn't have any support at the race to look forward to. I ended up walking a total of four times I believe. Of course, my watch was dead, so I'm not sure how long my walk breaks were. I finished the race though. Honestly, the pace of 11:48 is pretty consistent, if not a little faster, than what I've been running while training. So I shouldn't be too disappointed with my time. I guess I was just hoping that once I got out there, the atmosphere would pull me along and it would be less hard.
It might have hurt me that I haven't been very consistent with my running lately. I've been going to my niece's volleyball games during the week and trying to hang out with them on the weekends or I'll have some event or another. I haven't been as good as juggling my time as I used to be (mainly because I haven't been this social in quite a long time!).
But this race can be a good starting point. I know I've got to lose the extra weight and just keep at it. I went for a gorgeous two hour bike ride today on a rail trail in another county and it was so relaxing! The good thing about me being busy, I do work in activities that involve moving, but I still need to make sure I get my runs in so that I can get my heart rate up and my muscles stronger.
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