Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunny Sunday

It was a gorgeous day here! I got to go outside in just a t-shirt, instead of a winter coat. Too bad I had so many Cinderella tasks to do inside. I did manage a 3 mile easy jog/ walk. It was good to get some vitamin-D. I also needed to de-stress, cleaning plus the two barking dogs of mine, and the time change got to me a little.  I'm not very nice when I'm tired.

I only did three miles today, because yesterday I did my longest run yet. Eight miles. It was another beautiful day so I was able to do it on a rail-trail instead of the treadmill at my gym. I took a little hand held bottle of Gatorade which worked well since it was warm.

This is the proof. Lots of sweat going on! Took me 90 minutes. I am running a mile and then walk .10 of a mile. This has helped me immensely with going longer distances. It does slow my overall time down quite a bit, but I felt good and right now I just want to concentrate on endurance as much as possible.

956 calories burned yesterday and 360 burned today. Rest day tomorrow, mainly because of a work meeting in the evening. I need it though! My legs are feeling it!

Hope you had a healthy weekend Internet world.

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